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Artegra Slab

Artegra Slab

por Artegra
Estilos individuales desde $29.00
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Familia completa de 54 fuentes : $249.00
Artegra Slab Fuente La familia era diseñada por Ceyhun Birinci y publicado por Artegra. Artegra Slab contiene 55 estilos y opciones de paquetes familiares.

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30 DÍAS DE PRUEBA GRATUITOS de Monotype Fuentes para obtener más de 150.000 fuentes de más de 1.400 fundiciones tipográficas. Iniciar prueba gratuita
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Artegra Slab Complete Family

54 fuentes

¡Mejor Precio!

Por estilo:

$4.61 $1.84

Paquete de 54 estilos:

$249.00 $99.60

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Por estilo:

$4.69 $1.88

Paquete de 53 estilos:

$249.00 $99.60

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Sobre la familia Artegra Slab Fuente

Artegra Slab es la última incorporación a la superfamilia Artegra. Contiene 54 fuentes con más de 1000 glifos por fuente en anchos condensado, normal y extendido. Con los conjuntos cirílico y griego, es compatible con más de cien idiomas. Se basa en las formas geométricas perfeccionistas de Artegra Sans, lo que la hace bella a la vista y fácil de leer.

Diseñadores: Ceyhun Birinci

Editorial: Artegra

Fundición: Artegra

Fundición original: unknown

Propietario del diseño: Artegra

MyFonts debut: 30 de octubre de 2017

Losa Artegra

Acerca de Artegra

Artegra is a type foundry run by Turkish type designer Ceyhun Birinci. He studied graphic design at the Marmara University in Istanbul, the typography classes that he took there marked the beginning of his interest in type design. He created his first font Primus back in 2012, which had started as a part of his personal branding project. During his career as a graphic designer, he found himself creating custom letterings for the branding projects that he took on. This quickly turned into a passion for font making and throughout the years he released bestseller font families. He is driven by inspiration and enthusiasm, as he constantly looks forward to create more and more great fonts for designers all around the world. Because he simply believes that human beings can't do without great typography.

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